Flava1 Radio

Tha Hitz. Tha Jointz. Tha Classix.

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      Today’s youth have so many different opportunities at their fingertips. The entrepreneurial possibilities are limitless. I am always amazed when an individual’s  ingenuity becomes their niche. The best part of ingenuity is its idiosyncratic nature. Everyone does things in ways that are unique to themselves, heightening their potential for success. I had […]

One thing that I enjoy seeing is people lifting each other up!!I feel even more joy when I see women supporting women. Why? Well,  number one because I am a woman. Number two because woman often have a tendency to tear each other down in catty competition instead wanting each other to win. When think […]

It is always very humbling interviewing individuals for my blog. I get to learn so much about the people that I am interviewing. I get a small piece of their world that I can share with you all! I enjoy these interviews because I get to see a different side of an artist or producer […]

Searching for solemn and silence…some peace inside the quiet… But my thoughts are too loud, disrespectful and violent… They always approach me starting a riot. My head is exploding, my body imploding, and I’m taking with me all of my old dreams. Now silence is loud…It’s so dark in here… To my left is my […]


September 20, 2023

Music is amazing. A melody can bring us back to a specific place and time. A chord can strike our heart’s emotions. Words can be so relatable that we begin to understand that we all go through similar things in life. People grow a fondness and appreciation for music and the impact that it has […]

Every now and again I come across individuals that pique my curiosity. The idiosyncrasies that people encompass are amazing to me. No two people are ever the same. I truly admire seeing people that have a specific craft acknowledge and embrace what they are good at or what they are mastering. Recently, I have had […]

  Three years ago was the the inception of Flava 1 Radio Station. A radio station is a radio station, right? WRONG! Flava 1 Radio is a game changer. Not only do they play tha Hitz, tha Jointz, and the Classix there is also always an opportunity for the public to interact with the DJs. […]